The aesthetic body medicine seeks the physical improvement of different areas of the body, through non-invasive or minimally invasive body treatments.
Aesthetic body medicine is performed on an outpatient basis and allows the patient to quickly return to their routine.
In Clínica Gran Alacant we offer different aesthetic mesotherapy treatments, using proven products such as Alydia or Cellutrix, and also carboxitherapy, with the application of carbon dioxide.

Body Mesotherapy. Alydia and Cellutrix
Mesotherapy is an aesthetic medical treatment that consists of introducing under the skin surface, the dermis, certain drugs and substances of recognized efficacy that aims to eliminate cellulite, localized fat, fluid retention, skin irregularities, etc.
In addition, this technique refers to the infiltration of vitamins to achieve greater firmness and elasticity in certain areas.
Cellutrix treatment is a mesotherapeutic product that incorporates amino acids and hyaluronic acid in its formulation with the aim of achieving a draining and lipolytic effect. It also reduces and prevents flaccidity providing firmness and elasticity to the skin, prevents the devitalization of the skin and tissues and eliminates cellulite, activates microcirculation, regenerates and revitalizes the skin.
Body mesotherapy can be performed on the abdomen, legs, buttocks and arms. It is recommended between 1 to 2 sessions per week, the number of sessions may vary but are between 10 12 sessions for optimal results.
It is the first injectable medical device in aesthetic medicine especially indicated for the prevention and treatment of cellulite.
It acts regenerating the adipose tissue which allows the skin to recover its natural appearance in a fast and safe way. It is indicated for patients with edematous cellulite. More moderate results are also obtained in patients with fibrotic and sclerotic cellulite.
A correct diagnosis will be necessary to estimate the effectiveness of the treatment. It is applied by means of a simple mesotherapy technique and does not require any type of anesthetic, it is a practically painless treatment. It is recommended between 7 to 12 sessions, one per week, to obtain a satisfactory result.
Through the application of carbon dioxide in the subcutaneous tissues and can be applied alone or combined with mesotherapy our body has an improvement in the bloodstream. As a consequence we produce a reduction of accumulated fat and therefore an improvement of cellulite, as well as stretch marks and scars.

The main aesthetic benefit of carboxytherapy is a greater firmness in the tissues and our skin will look smoother and rejuvenated.
The technique is very simple and is performed using specially designed equipment that allows control of the flow rate, injection time and monitoring of the dose administered.
A carboxytherapy session usually lasts about 30 minutes and the number of sessions is variable. But a number of 5 sessions is considered for optimal results.